Marine Observer Deployed 3-months on Wind Energy Case Study to Detect Large Whales
Marine Observer’s East-Coast deployment of IR Camera onboard a survey vessel, demonstrated detection of large whales from an operational setting.

Marine Observer scans the horizon on a wind energy case study to detect large whales.
GOLETA, CA, November 15, 2023 – Marine Observer, infrared camera and AI system, was deployed onboard a wind energy survey vessel for 3-months to collect data on large whales. From August 9 – November 1, 2023, Marine Observer was mounted on a vessel surveying an area off the Eastern United States.
The area surveyed is known to be frequented by many species of cetaceans including fin, humpback, minke, and the species of most concern, the North Atlantic right whale. Dolphins, porpoises, and sea turtles are also commonly seen. During vessel operations in the area, the standard protocol for vessel strike avoidance includes around-the-clock observations conducted by protected species observers who are trained to spot animals in the water. Marine Observer’s state-of-the-art technology was deployed alongside the human observers. Data from Marine Observer and the protected species observers were compared.

Christina Wright, Chief Biologist of Marine Observer was present for the first four weeks of deployment. Humpback and Fin whales and dolphins were detected by Marine Observer.
Marine Observer’s wide field-of-view, long-wave infrared (LWIR) camera covered a large 66° area and detected marine mammals from the moving vessel day and night. The camera paired with the proprietary detection software, uses trained deep neural network AI to automatically detect and alert to protected species of interest such as whales or other marine mammals, but could also be set to alert to passing ships or other objects in the water.
Christina Wright, Marine Observer’s chief biologist was present for the first four weeks of the Marine Observer deployment. “This operational setting was a great data gathering opportunity for Marine Observer,” she shared. “Utilizing our cutting-edge technology, we were able to collect data and observe marine mammals, day and night, 24/7 for 3 full months. We detected Humpback and Fin whales, and dolphins.”
The deployment helped gather valuable data to support the Marine Observer mission to reduce human impacts on marine mammals and will help further development of important vessel strike prevention protocols.To learn more about the data collected on this deployment read more at Marine Observer Infrared Camera Vessel Deployment Presented at State of the Science.